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Snippets Groups Projects
Commit 9b4876c5 authored by Diego Sampaio's avatar Diego Sampaio
Browse files

Merge branch 'develop' of into develop

parents 7dee035b 3bb885ae
No related merge requests found
with 142 additions and 19 deletions
......@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@
"Add_Members" : "Add Members",
"Add_users" : "Add users",
"Administration" : "Administration",
"Alias" : "Alias",
"All_channels" : "All channels",
"Allow_Invalid_SelfSigned_Certs" : "Allow Invalid Self-Signed Certs",
"Allow_Invalid_SelfSigned_Certs_Description" : "Allow invalid and self-signed SSL certificate's for link validation and previews.",
......@@ -79,6 +80,7 @@
"Are_you_sure" : "Are you sure?",
"Auto_Load_Images" : "Auto Load Images",
"Avatar_changed_successfully" : "Avatar changed successfully",
"Avatar_URL" : "Avatar URL",
"Avatar_url_invalid_or_error" : "The url provided is invalid or not accessible. Please try again, but with a different url.",
"away" : "away",
"Away" : "Away",
......@@ -102,6 +104,7 @@
"Channels" : "Channels",
"Channels_list" : "List of public channels",
"Chat_Rooms" : "Chat Rooms",
"Choose_the_alias_that_will_appear_before_the_username_in_messages" : "Choose the alias that will appear before the username in messages.",
"Choose_the_username_that_this_integration_will_post_as" : "Choose the username that this integration will post as.",
"Clear_all_unreads_question" : "Clear all unreads?",
"close" : "close",
......@@ -118,6 +121,7 @@
"Create_new_private_group" : "Create a new private group",
"Create_new_public_channel" : "Create a new public channel",
"Created_at" : "Created at",
"Created_at_s_by_s" : "Created at <strong>%s</strong> by <strong>%s</strong>",
"Custom_oauth_helper" : "When setting up your OAuth Provider, you'll have to inform a Callback URL. Use <pre>%s</pre> .",
"Custom_oauth_unique_name" : "Custom oauth unique name",
"days" : "days",
......@@ -153,8 +157,8 @@
"FileUpload" : "File Upload",
"FileUpload_Enabled" : "File Uploads Enabled",
"FileUpload_MaxFileSize" : "Maximum File Upload Size (in bytes)",
"FileUpload_MediaTypeWhiteList" : "Accepted Media Types",
"FileUpload_MediaType_NotAccepted" : "Media Types Not Accepted",
"FileUpload_MediaTypeWhiteList" : "Accepted Media Types",
"FileUpload_MediaTypeWhiteListDescription" : "Comma-separated list of media types",
"Follow_social_profiles" : "Follow our social profiles, fork us on github and share your thoughts about the app on our trello board.",
"Forgot_password" : "Forgot your password",
......@@ -285,6 +289,7 @@
"Name" : "Name",
"Name_cant_be_empty" : "Name can't be empty",
"Name_optional" : "Name (optional)",
"New_integration" : "New integration",
"New_messages" : "New messages",
"New_password" : "New password",
"No_channel_with_name_%s_was_found" : "No channel with name <strong>\"%s\"</strong> was found!",
......@@ -320,10 +325,8 @@
"Please_wait_activation" : "Please wait, this can take some time.",
"Please_wait_statistics" : "Please wait, statistics are being generated.",
"Post_as" : "Post as",
"New_integration" : "New integration",
"Post_to_s_as_s" : "Post to <strong>%s</strong> as <strong>%s</strong>",
"Created_at_s_by_s" : "Created at <strong>%s</strong> by <strong>%s</strong>",
"Post_to_Channel" : "Post to Channel",
"Post_to_s_as_s" : "Post to <strong>%s</strong> as <strong>%s</strong>",
"Powered_by" : "Powered by",
"Preferences" : "Preferences",
"Preferences_saved" : "Preferences saved",
......@@ -402,6 +405,7 @@
"Send_your_JSON_payloads_to_this_URL" : "Send your JSON payloads to this URL.",
"Settings" : "Settings",
"Settings_updated" : "Settings updated",
"Should_be_a_URL_of_an_image" : "Should be a URL of an image.",
"Should_exists_a_user_with_this_username" : "Should exists a user with this username.",
"Showing_online_users" : "Showing <b>__total_online__</b> of __total__ users",
"Showing_results" : "<p>Showing <b>%s</b> results</p>",
......@@ -481,6 +485,7 @@
"User_left_male" : "Has left the channel.",
"User_logged_out" : "User is logged out",
"User_not_found_or_incorrect_password" : "User not found or incorrect password",
"User_or_channel_name" : "User or channel name",
"User_removed_by" : "User <em>__user_removed__</em> removed by <em>__user_by__</em>.",
"User_Settings" : "User Settings",
"User_updated_successfully" : "User updated successfully",
......@@ -505,6 +510,7 @@
"Yes_clear_all" : "Yes, clear all!",
"Yes_delete_it" : "Yes, delete it!",
"you_are_in_preview_mode_of" : "You are in preview mode of channel #<strong>__room_name__</strong>",
"You_can_change_a_different_avatar_too" : "You can change a different avatar too",
"You_need_confirm_email" : "You need to confirm your email to login!",
"You_should_name_it_to_easily_manage_your_integrations" : "You should name it to easily manage your integrations.",
"You_will_not_be_able_to_recover" : "You will not be able to recover this message!",
......@@ -40,3 +40,9 @@
border-bottom: none;
.message-example {
li {
list-style: none;
Template.integrationsIncoming.onCreated ->
@record = new ReactiveVar
username: ''
hasPermission: ->
......@@ -10,12 +15,42 @@ Template.integrationsIncoming.helpers
data = ChatIntegrations.findOne({_id:})
if data?
data.url = Meteor.absoluteUrl("hooks/#{encodeURIComponent(data._id)}/#{encodeURIComponent(data.userId)}/#{encodeURIComponent(data.token)}")
Template.instance().record.set data
return data
return {}
return Template.instance().record.curValue
example: ->
record = Template.instance().record.get()
return {} =
alias: record.alias
avatar: record.avatar
msg: 'Example message'
attachments: [{
title: "Rocket.Chat"
title_link: ""
text: "Rocket.Chat, the best open source chat"
image_url: ""
color: "#764FA5"
ts: new Date
username: record.username
"blur input": (e, t) ->
name: $('[name=name]').val().trim()
alias: $('[name=alias]').val().trim()
avatar: $('[name=avatar]').val().trim()
channel: $('[name=channel]').val().trim()
username: $('[name=username]').val().trim()
"click .submit > .delete": ->
params = Template.instance().data.params()
......@@ -42,6 +77,8 @@
"click .submit > .save": ->
name = $('[name=name]').val().trim()
alias = $('[name=alias]').val().trim()
avatar = $('[name=avatar]').val().trim()
channel = $('[name=channel]').val().trim()
username = $('[name=username]').val().trim()
......@@ -53,6 +90,8 @@
integration =
channel: channel
alias: alias if alias isnt ''
avatar: avatar if avatar isnt ''
name: name if name isnt ''
params = Template.instance().data.params?()
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
<div class="input-line double-col">
<label>{{_ "Post_as"}}</label>
{{#if data.username}}
{{#if data.token}}
<input type="text" name="username" value="{{data.username}}" disabled="disabled" />
<input type="text" name="username" value="{{data.username}}" />
......@@ -32,6 +32,21 @@
<div class="settings-description">{{_ "Should_exists_a_user_with_this_username"}}</div>
<div class="input-line double-col">
<label>{{_ "Alias"}} ({{_ "optional"}})</label>
<input type="text" name="alias" value="{{data.alias}}" placeholder="{{_ 'Optional'}}" />
<div class="settings-description">{{_ "Choose_the_alias_that_will_appear_before_the_username_in_messages"}}</div>
<div class="input-line double-col">
<label>{{_ "Avatar_URL"}} ({{_ "optional"}})</label>
<input type="url" name="avatar" value="{{data.avatar}}" placeholder="{{_ 'Optional'}}" />
<div class="settings-description">{{_ "You_can_change_a_different_avatar_too"}}</div>
<div class="settings-description">{{_ "Should_be_a_URL_of_an_image"}}</div>
{{#if data.token}}
<div class="input-line double-col">
<label>Webhook URL</label>
......@@ -42,6 +57,9 @@
<div class="input-line message-example">
{{#nrr nrrargs 'message' example}}{{/nrr}}
<div class="submit">
......@@ -71,6 +71,8 @@ Api.addRoute ':integrationId/:userId/:token', authRequired: true,
error: 'invalid-channel-type'
message =
avatar: integration.avatar
alias: integration.alias
msg: @bodyParams.text or ''
attachments: @bodyParams.attachments
parseUrls: false
......@@ -39,6 +39,8 @@ Meteor.methods
RocketChat.models.Integrations.update integrationId,
avatar: integration.avatar
alias: integration.alias
_updatedAt: new Date
_updatedBy: RocketChat.models.Users.findOne @userId, {fields: {username: 1}}
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ RocketChat.sendMessage = (user, message, room, options) ->
message.rid = room._id
if not message.parseUrls is false
if message.parseUrls isnt false
if urls = message.msg.match /([A-Za-z]{3,9}):\/\/([-;:&=\+\$,\w]+@{1})?([-A-Za-z0-9\.]+)+:?(\d+)?((\/[-\+=!:~%\/\.@\,\w]+)?\??([-\+=&!:;%@\/\.\,\w]+)?#?([\w]+)?)?/g
message.urls = (url) -> url: url
......@@ -10,13 +10,13 @@ Meteor.methods
name = name.toLowerCase().replace(/[^a-z0-9]/g, '')
name = s.capitalize(name)
RocketChat.settings.add "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_#{name}" , false , { type: 'boolean', group: 'Accounts', section: "Custom OAuth: #{name}", i18nLabel: 'Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Enable'}
RocketChat.settings.add "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_#{name}_url" , '' , { type: 'string' , group: 'Accounts', section: "Custom OAuth: #{name}", i18nLabel: 'Accounts_OAuth_Custom_URL'}
RocketChat.settings.add "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_#{name}_token_path" , '/oauth/token' , { type: 'string' , group: 'Accounts', section: "Custom OAuth: #{name}", i18nLabel: 'Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Token_Path'}
RocketChat.settings.add "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_#{name}_identity_path" , '/me' , { type: 'string' , group: 'Accounts', section: "Custom OAuth: #{name}", i18nLabel: 'Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Identity_Path'}
RocketChat.settings.add "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_#{name}_authorize_path" , '/oauth/authorize', { type: 'string' , group: 'Accounts', section: "Custom OAuth: #{name}", i18nLabel: 'Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Authorize_Path'}
RocketChat.settings.add "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_#{name}_id" , '' , { type: 'string' , group: 'Accounts', section: "Custom OAuth: #{name}", i18nLabel: 'Accounts_OAuth_Custom_id'}
RocketChat.settings.add "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_#{name}_secret" , '' , { type: 'string' , group: 'Accounts', section: "Custom OAuth: #{name}", i18nLabel: 'Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Secret'}
RocketChat.settings.add "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_#{name}_button_label_text" , '' , { type: 'string' , group: 'Accounts', section: "Custom OAuth: #{name}", i18nLabel: 'Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Button_Label_Text'}
RocketChat.settings.add "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_#{name}_button_label_color", '#FFFFFF' , { type: 'string' , group: 'Accounts', section: "Custom OAuth: #{name}", i18nLabel: 'Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Button_Label_Color'}
RocketChat.settings.add "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_#{name}_button_color" , '#13679A' , { type: 'string' , group: 'Accounts', section: "Custom OAuth: #{name}", i18nLabel: 'Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Button_Color'}
RocketChat.settings.add "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_#{name}" , false , { type: 'boolean', group: 'Accounts', section: "Custom OAuth: #{name}", i18nLabel: 'Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Enable', persistent: true }
RocketChat.settings.add "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_#{name}_url" , '' , { type: 'string' , group: 'Accounts', section: "Custom OAuth: #{name}", i18nLabel: 'Accounts_OAuth_Custom_URL', persistent: true }
RocketChat.settings.add "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_#{name}_token_path" , '/oauth/token' , { type: 'string' , group: 'Accounts', section: "Custom OAuth: #{name}", i18nLabel: 'Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Token_Path', persistent: true }
RocketChat.settings.add "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_#{name}_identity_path" , '/me' , { type: 'string' , group: 'Accounts', section: "Custom OAuth: #{name}", i18nLabel: 'Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Identity_Path', persistent: true }
RocketChat.settings.add "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_#{name}_authorize_path" , '/oauth/authorize', { type: 'string' , group: 'Accounts', section: "Custom OAuth: #{name}", i18nLabel: 'Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Authorize_Path', persistent: true }
RocketChat.settings.add "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_#{name}_id" , '' , { type: 'string' , group: 'Accounts', section: "Custom OAuth: #{name}", i18nLabel: 'Accounts_OAuth_Custom_id', persistent: true }
RocketChat.settings.add "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_#{name}_secret" , '' , { type: 'string' , group: 'Accounts', section: "Custom OAuth: #{name}", i18nLabel: 'Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Secret', persistent: true }
RocketChat.settings.add "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_#{name}_button_label_text" , '' , { type: 'string' , group: 'Accounts', section: "Custom OAuth: #{name}", i18nLabel: 'Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Button_Label_Text', persistent: true }
RocketChat.settings.add "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_#{name}_button_label_color", '#FFFFFF' , { type: 'string' , group: 'Accounts', section: "Custom OAuth: #{name}", i18nLabel: 'Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Button_Label_Color', persistent: true }
RocketChat.settings.add "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_#{name}_button_color" , '#13679A' , { type: 'string' , group: 'Accounts', section: "Custom OAuth: #{name}", i18nLabel: 'Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Button_Color', persistent: true }
......@@ -427,6 +427,7 @@ select,
input[type='password'] {
-webkit-appearance: none;
height: 35px;
......@@ -466,6 +467,7 @@ form.inline {
input[type='password'] {
width: auto;
......@@ -2700,6 +2702,11 @@ a.github-fork {
&.temp .body {
opacity: .5;
.message-alias {
color: #aaa;
font-weight: 400;
padding-left: 2px;
.compact {
......@@ -32,6 +32,11 @@
padding-right: 0px;
code {
unicode-bidi: embed;
direction: ltr;
.side-nav {
.header {
......@@ -136,6 +136,7 @@ select,
input[type='password'] {
border-color: #E7E7E7;
background-color: #fff;
<template name="message">
<li id="{{_id}}" class="message sequential {{system}} {{t}} {{own}} {{isTemp}} {{chatops}}" data-username="{{u.username}}" data-bot="{{isBot}}" data-date="{{date}}">
<a class="thumb user-card-message" href="#" data-username="{{u.username}}" tabindex="1">{{> avatar username=u.username}}</a>
<a class="user user-card-message" href="#" data-username="{{u.username}}" tabindex="1">{{u.username}}</a>
{{#if avatar}}
<a class="thumb user-card-message" href="#" data-username="{{u.username}}" tabindex="1">
<div class="avatar">
<div class="avatar-image" style="background-image:url({{avatar}});"></div>
<a class="thumb user-card-message" href="#" data-username="{{u.username}}" tabindex="1">{{> avatar username=u.username}}</a>
{{#if alias}}
<a class="user user-card-message" href="#" data-username="{{u.username}}" tabindex="1">{{alias}} <span class="message-alias">@{{u.username}}</span></a>
<a class="user user-card-message" href="#" data-username="{{u.username}}" tabindex="1">{{u.username}}</a>
<span class="info">
{{#if isBot}}
<span class="is-bot">BOT</span>

6.61 KiB

......@@ -5,6 +5,26 @@ Meteor.startup ->
RocketChat.models.Rooms.createWithIdTypeAndName 'GENERAL', 'c', 'general',
default: true
if not RocketChat.models.Users.findOneById('')?
_id: ''
name: "Rocket.Cat"
username: ''
status: "offline"
statusDefault: "offline"
utcOffset: 0
active: true
bot: true
rs = RocketChatFile.bufferToStream new Buffer(Assets.getBinary('avatars/rocketcat.png'), 'utf8')
RocketChatFileAvatarInstance.deleteFile ""
ws = RocketChatFileAvatarInstance.createWriteStream "", 'image/png'
ws.on 'end', Meteor.bindEnvironment ->
RocketChat.models.Users.setAvatarOrigin '', 'local'
if process.env.ADMIN_EMAIL? and process.env.ADMIN_PASS?
re = /^([\w-]+(?:\.[\w-]+)*)@((?:[\w-]+\.)*\w[\w-]{0,66})\.([a-z]{2,6}(?:\.[a-z]{2})?)$/i
if re.test process.env.ADMIN_EMAIL
Meteor.startup ->
version: 25
up: ->
RocketChat.models.Settings.update({ _id: /Accounts_OAuth_Custom/ }, { $set: { persistent: true }, $unset: {hidden: true} }, { multi: true })
0% Loading or .
You are about to add 0 people to the discussion. Proceed with caution.
Finish editing this message first!
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