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Commit bca5eb5e authored by Diego Sampaio's avatar Diego Sampaio
Browse files

option to configure routes by room type

parent da492076
No related merge requests found
Meteor.startup ->
RocketChat.roomTypes.add('starredRooms', 'user');
RocketChat.roomTypes.add('channels', 'user');
RocketChat.roomTypes.add('directMessages', 'user');
RocketChat.roomTypes.add('privateGroups', 'user');
RocketChat.roomTypes.addType('starredRooms', 'user');
RocketChat.roomTypes.addType('channels', 'user');
RocketChat.roomTypes.addType('directMessages', 'user');
RocketChat.roomTypes.addType('privateGroups', 'user');
RocketChat.roomTypes.setRoute 'c', 'channel', (sub) ->
return { name: }
RocketChat.roomTypes.setRoute 'd', 'direct', (sub) ->
return { username: }
RocketChat.roomTypes.setRoute 'p', 'group', (sub) ->
return { name: }
......@@ -39,13 +39,7 @@ Template.chatRoomItem.helpers
return true
route: ->
return switch this.t
when 'd'
FlowRouter.path('direct', {username:})
when 'p'
FlowRouter.path('group', {name:})
when 'c'
FlowRouter.path('channel', {name:})
FlowRouter.path RocketChat.roomTypes.getRoute @t, @
Template.chatRoomItem.rendered = ->
if not (FlowRouter.getParam('_id')? and FlowRouter.getParam('_id') is and not
......@@ -95,6 +95,6 @@ Template.sideNav.onRendered ->
wrapper = $('.rooms-list .wrapper').get(0)
lastLink = $('.rooms-list h3').get(0)
RocketChat.roomTypes.get().forEach (roomType) ->
RocketChat.roomTypes.getTypes().forEach (roomType) ->
if RocketChat.authz.hasRole(Meteor.userId(), roomType.roles) && Template[roomType.template]?
Blaze.render Template[roomType.template], wrapper, lastLink
RocketChat.roomTypes = new class
rooms = []
routes = {}
add = (template, roles = []) ->
### Sets a route for a room type
@param roomType: room type (e.g.: c (for channels), d (for direct channels))
@param routeName: route's name for given type
@param dataCallback: callback for the route data. receives the whole subscription data as parameter
setRoute = (roomType, routeName, dataCallback) ->
if routes[roomType]?
throw new Meteor.Error 'route-callback-exists', 'Route callback for the given type already exists'
# dataCallback ?= -> return {}
routes[roomType] =
name: routeName
data: dataCallback or -> return {}
@param roomType: room type (e.g.: c (for channels), d (for direct channels))
@param subData: the user's subscription data
getRoute = (roomType, subData) ->
unless routes[roomType]?
throw new Meteor.Error 'route-doesnt-exists', 'There is no route for the type: ' + roomType
return FlowRouter.path routes[roomType].name, routes[roomType].data(subData)
### add a type of room
@param template: the name of the template to render on sideNav
@param roles[]: a list of roles a user must have to see the template
addType = (template, roles = []) ->
template: template
roles: [].concat roles
getAll = ->
getAllTypes = ->
return rooms
add: add
get: getAll
addType: addType
getTypes: getAllTypes
setRoute: setRoute
getRoute: getRoute
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