- Dec 16, 2016
Gabriel Engel authored
Gabriel Engel authored
Gabriel Engel authored
Several changes to allow for easier Integrations from others
Gabriel Engel authored
rename default loading animation
Bradley Hilton authored
Bradley Hilton authored
Gabriel Engel authored
Fix the over creation of AudioContexts.
Bradley Hilton authored
Bradley Hilton authored
Bradley Hilton authored
* getFullUserData now accepts a limit of -1 which will retrieve all of the users, but you only see what you have permission to. * processWebhookMessage now accepts a roomId for rooms or user, that way integrations don't have to know the name of the channel. * Fixed the chat.postMessage being broke for messages that contain more than channel and text...whoops!
- Dec 15, 2016
Gabriel Engel authored
Gabriel Engel authored
Gyubin Son authored
- Dec 13, 2016
Gabriel Engel authored
Gabriel Engel authored
Karlprieb form elements redesign
Gabriel Engel authored
Karl Prieb authored
Merge branch 'karlprieb-form-elements-redesign' of github.com:RocketChat/Rocket.Chat into karlprieb-form-elements-redesign
Karl Prieb authored
Karl Prieb authored
Gabriel Engel authored
Gabriel Engel authored
fix more unreads overlapping
Karl Prieb authored
Rodrigo Nascimento authored
# Conflicts: # .travis.yml
Karl Prieb authored
Gabriel Engel authored
Try use the travis build to run tests
Rodrigo Nascimento authored
Rodrigo Nascimento authored
Rodrigo Nascimento authored
Gabriel Engel authored
Gabriel Engel authored
Rodrigo Nascimento authored
Rodrigo Nascimento authored
Rodrigo Nascimento authored
Karl Prieb authored
Karl Prieb authored
Gabriel Engel authored
Migrate livechat visitors' emails field to visitorEmails
Rodrigo Nascimento authored
Gabriel Engel authored
Fix bot users being rate limited
Gabriel Engel authored
Fix unset emails field if none set instead of name field
Rodrigo Nascimento authored