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Dockerfile revamping and NGINX configuration

Martin Hamant requested to merge docker-mh into master

This MR I brings the following changes:

  • files related to the frontend application have been moved in a sub-folder, and docker/nginx configuration in the docker folder. By doing this, we prevent to invalidate the cache at every docker build when we change a single file at the root.
  • Let's encrypt / TLS configuration. (Still miss something to renew the certificates)
  • Dynamic URL mapping against containers : calling /<toolName>/something will make a request to the related upstream docker container HTTP server at http://<ContainerHostName>:<port>/something ; the <ContainerHostName> and <port> being inferred by a map in nginx.
  • separated frontend and tool servers.
  • nginx's server_name values and some a few other paths are inferred through env variables, leveraging the template system shipped with the nginx image.
  • tweaked the CI config to push/pull the intermediate stage image so it's not rebuilt from scratch every time.
Edited by Martin Hamant

Merge request reports
