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  • Côme Chilliet's avatar
    Merge branch '5869-merge-the-sinaps-plugin-into-1-3-dev-when-completed' into '1.3-dev' · 4e7bc769
    Côme Chilliet authored
    Resolve "Merge the sinaps plugin into 1.3-dev when completed"
    See merge request fusiondirectory/fd-plugins!399
    (cherry picked from commit db7d1ee2)
    58b55c70  feat(sinaps) First PHP tests for parsing SINAPS XML
    198c3fd0 🚑 fix(sinaps) Renamed problematic file (also added TODO)
    247620b7  feat(sinaps) Added config backend, started clean up of code
    5061f82d  feat(sinaps) Added first POC of SINAPS integration
    b0e015f4 🚑 fix(sinaps) typos
    a3182b4e  Make use of standAlonePage in sinaps.php to get correct config init
    c3683961  Added php script to test sending XML to FD endpoint
    ef034158 🚑 fixed detection of existing passport id
    653baee0  Added dump feature to ease debugging, Fixed problems
    c38856bf 🚑 fix(sinaps) Fix acquittement XML and small things in personne handling
    be7dc3cd 🚑 fix(sinaps) Use CURL to send POST request
    97fdf690  feat(sinaps) Use codeSousType instead of codeNature for supannTypeEntite
    cb2204f2  feat(sinaps) Add support for application identifier and uuid prefix in configuration
    c55cb129  feat(sinaps) Add missing config options
    dff7cceb 🚑 fix(sinaps) Fix PHP crash
    2449011f  feat(sinaps) Follow referenceCroisee to find codeEntiteParent
    26fd5f52  feat(sinaps) Keep existing ref ids when syncing a structure
    7a668a58 🚜 Putting treatement in separate class
    410c4c65  feat(sinaps) Added dry run system
    305ee532 🚜 switch to using HTTP Synchrone method
    6812cd79 🚑 fix(sinaps) Fix adresseEtr sync and avoid some PHP errors
    0f1853a8  feat(sinaps) Syncing dates with supann-ext
    edea89ac 🚑 fix(sinaps) Check dates for lienStructure and methodeDeContact
    7e2d6772 🚑 fix(sinaps) Small fixes related to personne diffusion
    7c49bdbe 🚑 fix(sinaps) Do not send identifiantObjApp along with errors
    fb3501e1  feat(sinaps) Improve personne diffusion handling
    d9b4ab36  feat(sinaps) syncing affection
    d0ab09de  feat(sinaps) Added template and base options for user creation
    82ba7650 🚑 fix(sinaps) Fixing Acquittement as it needs prefix after all
    6c3c08a1 🚑 fix(sinaps) Use configured user base of user creation
    43977187 🚜 Removed old test file, documented testEndPoint.php
    171fe4b9  feat(sinaps) Added elementCarriere sync, fixed role sync
    c1d14564 🚑 fix(sinaps) Empty supannCodeEntiteParent if no valid parent is found…
    31e37751  feat(sinaps) Added whitelist of identifiantApplication to sync
    78c26493  feat(sinaps) Sync SAP reference with employeeNumber
    488687ea 🚑 fix(sinaps) Fix error in schema and one in PHP code
    3e1c3cbc 🚑 fix(sinaps) Remove employeeType filling
    9b4d198a 🚑 fix(sinaps) Fix user supannRefId sync
    c22b2eac  feat(sinaps) Add class to create acquisition XML
    edb5c2de  feat(acquisition) First draft of testAcquisition
    a5a48487  feat(sinaps) testAcquisition.php should now correctly output an acquisition XML
    b5e2df3c  feat(sinaps) testAcquisition.php should now send the XML to SINAPS
    84010d05 🚑 fix(sinaps) Add identifiantObjApp tag even if empty
    1c7e508b  feat(sinaps) Lock user account after creation
    cf454469  feat(sinaps) Clean error codes handling
    ef346517 🚑 fix(sinaps) Set contact method acquisition/diffusion
    23f7c7e0 🚑 fix(sinaps) Using isset instead of a NULL comparison to avoid problems
    2357f941 🚑 fix(sinaps) Ask for the fields we intend to sync
    69529fef 🚑 fix(sinaps) Make sure to erase values removed on sinaps side
    b374cd30  feat(sinaps) Handle user deactivation
    8a3458f0  feat(sinaps) Add rattachement bloc to acquisition data
    e8b31d11 🚑 fix(sinaps) Fix fatal error because of last commit
    44cc57e4  feat(sinaps) Add setting for contact method mapping for Acquisition
    8af7672a  feat(sinaps) Add sinapsUser tab to trigger Acquisition
    c15118c0 🚑 fix(sinaps) Fix XML answer dump for Acquisition
    7d2057f1 🚑 fix(sinaps) Avoid errors and crashes
    e7a04293 Moved into sinaps folder
    a4e49756 Merge branch 'master' of sinaps into 5869-merge-the-sinaps-plugin-into-1-3-dev-when-completed
    89708bbf 🚜 Move sinaps test files to contrib/test
    06731652 🚑 fix(sinaps) Fix Sonar errors
    2bca2193 🚑 fix(sinaps) Add missing locales for sinaps