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EMS: Improved BrokerConfig and ConnectionFactory for consumer. Fixed bug in CepEvalAggregator (when used with groupwin). Updated ems client config for ICON use case.

I Patini requested to merge ems/morphemic-rc4.0 into morphemic-rc4.0

EMS: Broker-CEP: Added method 'getConnectionFactoryForConsumer()' in 'BrokerConfig' class and moved the related code from BrokerCepConsumer. Modified BrokerAdvisoryWatcher class to use 'getConnectionFactoryForConsumer()' to initialize connection factory. Removed @Autowired annotations from fields by making them 'final'. Added property 'advisoryWatcherInitRetryDelay' in BrokerCepProperties and updated BrokerAdvisoryWatcher to use it (if an initialization error occurs). Removed 'connectionFactory' and 'jmsTemplate' beans from BrokerConfig class. Corrected a typo. Few code style improvements

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