TF: Games
The Quick App Initiative structures its activities via thematic Task Forces. These are organizational structures that deliver concrete results within a set scope and/or time-frame. Each Task Force may address horizontal topics such as "outreach and promotion", or vertical domainss such as "gaming", or project development such as an "open QA engine". A Task Force may encapsulate multiple actions and outputs.
Games Task Force
Participants of this Task Force
| Person | Company | Role (if any) |
| Kester Bishop | FRVR | Coordinating Representative |
| Chris Benjaminsen | FRVR | |
| Kevin Bernatek | Famobi | |
| Ilker Aydin | Famobi | Coordinating Representative |
- Description: The Games Task Force sets out to investigate the huge potential of Quick App games, and how to support and steer the industry to make it happen.
- Motivation: Gaming is already the most valuable entertainment industry by far, and innovation in the field is not slowing down. The Quick App Initiative Games Task Force (QAI GTF) will help to ensure that both developers and platform owners have all the tools, understanding, and awareness necessary to bring a new generation of this powerful content to users through Quick Apps.
Targeted outcomes:
--> [Establishing Games Quick Apps Best Practices]
--> [Create PR Plan to Raise Gaming Quick App Awareness]
--> [Strategically Recruit New Games Task Force Members] -
Anticipated resources:
Progress Assessment
- Roadmap: high level roadmap and milestones (even if just for next x months)
- Journey: how will progress be measured?
- Achievement: is there a clear "end point" and how will it's achievement be deteremined?
Licenses for deliverables (especially software code) visible at time of writing.
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Hints and best practices collected from participants.
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References relevant to this Task Force.
- W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines: a great resource to achieve this activity.