Supported URL Scheduler rest/scheduler/login POST username&password, return sessionid rest/scheduler/status return the status of the scheduler rest/scheduler/jobs list job by ids rest/scheduler/jobsinfo list jobs by ids+additional data (class : rest_api.UserJobInfo) rest/scheduler/jobs/{jobid} job state of job {jobid} (JobState class) rest/scheduler/jobs/{jobid}/result job result of job {jobid} (JobResult class) rest/scheduler/jobs/{jobid}/tasks list job's tasks by their names rest/scheduler/jobs/{jobid}/taskstates list of task's states for job {jobid} (TaskState class) rest/scheduler/jobs/{jobid}/tasks/{taskname} describes task {taskname} of job {jobid} (TaskState class) rest/scheduler/jobs/{jobid}/tasks/{tasksid}/result returns the taskResult of the task {taskname} of the job {id} (TaskResult Class) rest/scheduler/jobs/{jobid}/tasks/{taskname}/result/value returns a binary file (mime-type:*/*) contains the value field of the TaskResult class rest/scheduler/jobs/{jobid}/tasks/{taskname}/result/log/all returns all the logs generated by the task rest/scheduler/jobs/{jobid}/tasks/{taskname}/result/log/err returns the err stream generated by the task rest/scheduler/jobs/{jobid}/tasks/{taskname}/result/log/out returns the output stream generated by the task rest/scheduler/jobs/{jobid}/priority/byname/{name} @PUT change the priority of the job (use the name of the priority) rest/scheduler/jobs/{jobid}/priority/byvalue/{value} @PUT change the priority of the job (use the value of the priority) rest/scheduler/{jobid}/pause @PUT pause the job rest/scheduler/jobs/{jobid}/resume @PUT resume the job rest/scheduler/jobs/{jobid} @DELETE delete the job rest/scheduler/disconnect @PUT disconnect from the scheduler (and log off) rest/scheduler/submit @POST submit a XML job descriptor (file must be embedded in the body of the message) rest/scheduler/pause @PUT pause the scheduler rest/scheduler/stop @PUT stop the scheduler rest/scheduler/freeze @PUT freeze the scheduler rest/scheduler/start @PUT start the scheduler rest/scheduler/kill @PUT start the scheduler rest/scheduler/linkrm @POST form param=rmurl link the scheduler to the Resource Manager available at the url Resource Manager rest/rm/login POST username&password, return session id rest/rm/state rest/rm/monitoring rest/rm/node POST nodeurl (add a node) some command-line usage : #### scheduler # login curl -d "username=demo&password=demo" http://localhost:8080/proactive_grid_cloud_portal/rest/scheduler/login #submit a job curl -H "sessionid:1" -F 'file=<Job_2_tasks.xml' http://localhost:8080/proactive_grid_cloud_portal/rest/scheduler/submit #list jobs (pending, running, finished) curl -H "sessionid:1" -H "Accept: application/json" http://localhost:8080/proactive_grid_cloud_portal/rest/scheduler/jobs/ # list job 10's tasks curl -H "sessionid:1" -H "Accept: application/json" http://localhost:8080/proactive_grid_cloud_portal/rest/scheduler/jobs/12/tasks #delete a job curl -X DELETE -H "sessionid:1" -H "Accept: application/json" http://localhost:8080/proactive_grid_cloud_portal/rest/scheduler/jobs/10 #result from a task curl -H "sessionid:1" -H "Accept: application/json" http://localhost:8080/proactive_grid_cloud_portal/rest/scheduler/jobs/1/tasks/task1/result ### Resource Manager curl -d "username=admin&password=admin" http://localhost:8080/proactive_grid_cloud_portal/rest/rm/login url -H "sessionid:1" -H "Accept: application/json" http://localhost:8080/proactive_grid_cloud_portal/rest/rm/state curl -H "sessionid:1" -H "Accept: application/json" http://localhost:8080/proactive_grid_cloud_portal/rest/rm/monitoring
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