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// It's assumed that Jenkins has been configured to implicitly load the vars/*.groovy libraries.
// Note that the version used is the one defined in Jenkins but it can be overridden as follows:
// @Library("XWiki@<branch, tag, sha1>") _
// See for details.

// Flow:
// - This file is triggered by any change to xwiki-platform
// - If this file is not called with any "type" parameter passed, then set up a crontab that will call this file
//   again at some specific time, passing a "type" parameter with "docker-latest", "docker-all" and "docker-unsupported"
//   values.
// - If this file is called with a "type" parameter, execute the corresponding environment tests.
// - If this file is triggered by a manual build, ask the user to choose between th different environment tests to
//   execute and run them immediately.

// If the build has been manually triggered:
// - if the type is known, then execute the tests
// - if the type is not known, it means it's the first execution and the job is not parameterized yet. Thus,
//   parameterize it and schedule the next run. If you want to execute it, you'll need to trigger the build a second
//   time and choose the type.
if (currentBuild.rawBuild.getCauses()[0].toString().contains('UserIdCause')) {
  def validValues = ['docker-latest', 'docker-all', 'docker-unsupported']
  if (validValues.contains(params.type)) {
  } else {
    // Aborting so that the build isn't displayed as successful, as we want to focus on the failing env tests builds.
} else if (params.type && params.type != 'none' && params.type != 'docker-latest') {
  // Always build docker-all and docker-unsupported, as they execute only every week and every month and it's unlikely
  // there's been no changes since their last execution. We could check specifically for that but it's simpler to just
  // always execute them!
} else if (params.type && params.type != 'none') {
  // Only execute if the "XWiki/xwiki-platform/<current branch>" job's last execution date is later than this current
  // job's last execution date. In other words, don't re-run the environment tests if there's been no source code
  // changes. This helps save agent build time and is better for global warming (less energy used)!
  def times = compareCurrentLastBuildTimeWithOtherJob("XWiki/xwiki-platform/${env.BRANCH_NAME ?: 'master'}")
    // Something is not right:
    // - there's no 'XWiki/xwiki-platform' job
    // - the 'XWiki/xwiki-platform' job has never been executed
    // - the current job has never been executed
    // In all these cases, we just execute the environment tests.
    echoXWiki 'Error computing jobs last build times, triggering a docker tests build to be safe...'
    echoXWiki 'Not executing the docker tests since there\'s been no rebuild of "XWiki/xwiki-platform" since last execution. Aborting.'
    // Aborting so that the build isn't displayed as successful without doing anything.
    currentBuild.result = 'ABORTED'
} else {
  // We're not in the cron. Just set the crontab to schedule the job.
  echoXWiki "Nothing to build at the moment, waiting for the crontab to be triggered..."
  // Aborting so that the build isn't displayed as successful, as we want to focus on the failing env tests builds.
  currentBuild.result = 'ABORTED'
private void buildDocker(buildType)
  def dockerConfigurationList
  def dockerModuleList
  def customJobProperties
  node() {
    // Checkout platform to find all docker configurations and test modules so that we can then parallelize executions
    // of configs and modules across Jenkins agents.
    checkout skipChangeLog: true, scm: scm
    dockerConfigurationList = dockerConfigurations(buildType)
    if (buildType == 'docker-unsupported') {
      dockerModuleList = ['xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-menu']
    } else {
      dockerModuleList = dockerModules()
    customJobProperties = getCustomJobProperties()

  xwikiDockerBuild {
    configurations = dockerConfigurationList
    modules = dockerModuleList
    // Set the next execution date/time
    jobProperties = customJobProperties

private def getCustomJobProperties()
  // Define a scheduler job to execute the Docker-based functional tests at regular intervals. We do this since they
  // take time to execute and thus we cannot run them all the time.
  // This scheduler job will pass the "type" parameter to this Jenkinsfile when it executes, allowing us to decide if
  // we execute the environment tests or not.
  // Note: it's the xwikiBuild() calls from the standard builds that will set the jobProperties and thus set up the
  // job parameter + the crons. It would be better to set the properties directly in this Jenkinsfile but we haven't
  // found a way to merge properties and calling the properties() step will override any pre-existing properties.
  // Notes:
  // - docker-latest: We start them at 10PM to have more time available for them so that we're sure they're finished on
  //   the next morning when committers start pushing code. That's why we don't use @midnight.
  // - docker-all: We don't use @weekly for docker-all since we want them to execute on weekends only so that they
  //   don't execute at the same time as docker-latest during standard week days, as it'll mean that all agents will
  //   be used and be available for standard builds during the working days.
  return [
    parameters([string(defaultValue: 'none', description: 'Docker Job type', name: 'type')]),
      parameterizedCron('''H 22 * * * %type=docker-latest
H 0 * * 6 %type=docker-all
@monthly %type=docker-unsupported'''),